Select the Best Windows for Noise Reduction | Golden Windows

At the end of a long day, many of us seek peace and quiet in the solace of our homes. However, the barrage of noise pollution, even in residential areas, can get in the way, hindering our ability to relax and unwind. In this guide, we will learn about the negative effects of noise pollution and how to control it with the right windows.

What Is Noise Pollution?

Noise pollution is any unwanted or excessive sound that disrupts the natural balance of our environment. It has become a widespread issue in our modern society. From bustling city streets to construction sites, there seems to be no escape from the incessant sounds that infiltrate our homes. And in a country experiencing rapid urbanization like Canada, noise pollution can be especially problematic.

The Negative Impact of Noise Pollution

The detrimental effects of prolonged exposure to noise can vary. Exposure to loud noise can cause health problems like hearing loss, tinnitus, and other issues. Beyond hearing, noise pollution has been linked to elevated stress levels, high blood pressure, and heart disease.

One of the most significant impacts of noise pollution on our health is its effect on our sleep quality. Studies have shown that even low levels of noise can disrupt our sleep patterns, leading to fatigue, irritability, and cognitive impairment. Because our brains are wired to respond to noise, even sounds that are not consciously perceived can affect our sleep.

That’s why it’s important for homeowners to address this issue by investing in effective noise reduction measures, starting with the right windows.

How Noise Reduction Windows Work

Noise reduction windows, also known as soundproof windows, are specifically designed to reduce the transmission of external noise into your home. They achieve this by utilizing innovative techniques and materials that absorb, block, or dampen sound waves. To be classified as “soundproof”, a window should rate between 45 and 55 on the sound transmission class (STC) scale.

A normal window usually has an STC of 18 to 38 and blocks around 15-50% of the outside noise. A soundproof windows with more than 45 STC can block around 75-95% of unwanted sounds from entering your home.

To intensify a window’s ability to reduce outdoor noise and create its STC rating, the following additional barriers are added to the window to make it soundproof.

  • Extra thickness: More the mass a window has, less the noise you will hear. A thick windowpane works better at blocking sound than its thin counterpart.
  • Additional space between the glass panes: Broader gaps between multiple glass panes can provide better protection against unwanted sound. Insulating the gap with gases can further reduce noise.
  • Lamination: Sandwiching a laminated plastic screen between the sheets of class can cause the sound to diverge better, reducing noise pollution without compromising clarity.

Benefits of Reducing Noise at Home

The importance of creating a peaceful and quiet living environment cannot be overstated. By investing in noise reduction windows, you can reap multiple benefits. Firstly, these windows significantly reduce noise pollution, allowing you to enjoy a more tranquil home atmosphere within your home. Ultimately, less noise pollution promotes better sleep, increased focus, and improved overall wellbeing.

Noise reduction windows also provide an added layer of insulation, helping to maintain a comfortable temperature indoors and reduce energy consumption. Of course, this translates to lower energy bills. Additionally, they enhance the privacy of your living space, shielding it from prying eyes and external disturbances.

The Different Types of Noise Reduction Windows

When it comes to noise reduction windows, there are several options to choose from, each with its own set of characteristics and advantages. One popular choice is double glazed windows, which feature two panes of glass separated by an insulating airspace. This configuration not only improves sound insulation but also enhances thermal insulation. Triple glazed windows take this concept further by incorporating three panes of glass and two insulating airspaces, offering even higher levels of noise reduction and energy efficiency.

Another option is laminated glass windows, as mentioned earlier, which provide excellent soundproofing properties due to their unique construction. It is important to consider your specific needs and budget when selecting the most suitable type of noise reduction windows for your home.

Triple Glazed Windows for Soundproofing

Triple glazed windows are a popular choice among homeowners seeking maximum noise reduction. As mentioned, these popular types of windows carry three panes of glass separated by two insulating airspaces, providing exceptional sound insulation capabilities. The additional layer of glass and airspace effectively blocks and absorbs sound waves, minimizing their penetration into your living space.

Triple glazed windows are particularly beneficial in areas with high noise levels, such as near busy roads, schools, shopping areas, and airports. By investing in triple glazed windows, you can make your home more peaceful and comfortable.

GoldenClad® Triple Glazed Windows

One of the biggest advantages of purchasing GoldenClad® Triple Glazed windows by Golden Windows is the excellent thermal performance.

Here are some more features you can enjoy:

  • Available in casement, awning and fixed style windows
  • Select from 4 available colours: white, black, sable, taupe and 30 optional or unlimited custom colours
  • Wood interior, available in Pine, Oak, Mahogany or finish of your choice
  • Narrow rail profile available for more modern style
  • 4 diffferent Low E Options, all include Argon gas
  • Multiple grille options including grilles between the glass and simulated divided lights (SDL)
  • Choose from Colonial, Victorian, Muskoka or Custom Grille Patterns
  • Exterior Brickmould and sill nosing are available
  • Standard hardware or upgrade to the Encore™ hardware system
  • Enhanced comfort, especially closer to the windows
  • Reduction of indoor condensation
  • Greater acoustic insulation for some types of traffic noise

4 Factors to Consider When Choosing Noise Reduction Windows

Here are some factors you should consider when selecting noise reduction windows.

1. The Sound Pollution in Your Neighbourhood

It’s a good idea to assess the noise levels in your area and determine the specific frequencies of sound you wish to reduce. Different types of noise reduction windows excel in different frequency ranges, so understanding your specific requirements will help you make the right decision.

2. Insulation Properties You Require

Please the overall insulation properties of the windows, including their thermal efficiency and air leakage rates. As mentioned, windows with better insultation properties will result in a more comfortable indoor environment with steadier temperature. Your HVAC system will also have to work less to cool your home in the summer and heat it in the water, resulting in lower maintenance costs and less energy bills.

3. The Design of Your Property

Please also consider the aesthetic direction of your property. Your new windows must complement the architectural style of your home. At Golden Windows, we offer many different window styles and materials for you to choose from!

One popular option is casement windows, which provide excellent soundproofing capabilities due to their tight seals when closed. Another style to consider is awning windows, which are hinged at the top and open outward, creating an airtight seal when closed. This design effectively prevents noise from infiltrating your living space.

Sliding windows, on the other hand, can be equipped with noise reduction features, such as laminated glass, to provide an effective barrier against external sounds. Choose a window style that not only complements your home’s architectural design but also enhances its noise reduction capabilities.

4. Selecting a Reputable Window Manufacturer

To ensure the effectiveness and longevity of your noise reduction windows, please always choose reputable and high quality window manufacturers. Look for companies with a proven track record of producing high quality windows that meet industry standards for noise reduction, like Golden Windows.

About Golden Windows

We are a reliable source for high quality windows and doors manufactured at our facility in Kitchener, Ontario. We combine a highly trained, craftsman orientated labour force with cutting edge technology to produce aluminum, wood and vinyl windows and doors that exceed your need for energy efficiency, natural air flow, and upkeep. To achieve our goals, we partner with our suppliers and quality builders, renovators, and dealers to satisfy your every need.

The Importance of Certified Window Installation

Even the highest quality noise reduction windows will fail to perform optimally if not installed correctly. For example, improper installation can compromise the windows’ soundproofing capabilities and lead to air leakage, negating the benefits they are designed to provide. That’s why it is crucial to enlist the services of a certified window installation team.

These professionals have the necessary knowledge and expertise to ensure a proper fit, airtight seals, and minimized vibrations. By investing in certified installation, you can rest assured that your noise reduction windows will deliver the expected results and provide long lasting performance.

Golden Windows Installation Services

Our Certified Window Installation Team are experts and masters at their craft. They have many years experience installing windows and doors in properties of all different shapes and styles. We are confident that you will enjoy the look and function of your new Golden Windows and Doors, and that you have peace of mind in knowing that the products were installed correctly and will continue to perform for many years to come.

Proper Window Maintenance for Noise Reduction

Quiet living room space with windows

Good maintenance is important for your noise reduction windows. Regular cleaning of the glass and frames will help maintain their soundproofing properties and prevent the buildup of dirt and debris that can compromise performance.

Here are some more tips for proper window maintenance that may help:

  1. Check for any signs of wear or damage, like cracks or leaks, and address them promptly to avoid diminished noise reduction capabilities.
  2. Periodically lubricate the window hardware to ensure smooth operation and tight seals.
  3. Stick to a routine maintenance schedule to enhance the lifespan of your noise reduction windows.

5 Signs That It’s Time to Replace Your Windows for Noise Reduction

Over time, windows may deteriorate, resulting in diminished noise reduction capabilities. Sound proofing is just one of the many reasons to replace your windows with modern options. Other reasons include improved aesthetics, greater insulation, better comfort, lower heating and cooling bills, and potentially higher property value.

Address the following issues by repairing your windows or investing in new ones to enjoy a more comfortable home:

  • Visible cracks or gaps in the glass or frames.
  • Difficulty opening or closing the windows.
  • Drafts or air leakage around the windows.
  • Excessive condensation between the glass panes.
  • Persistent noise intrusion despite having noise reduction windows.

Professional vs. DIY Window Soundproofing

While DIY methods may provide some degree of noise reduction, they are often not as effective as professionally installed noise reduction windows. Applying any films to your windows can also void window warranties. Professionals have the expertise and access to specialized materials to ensure optimal soundproofing results. Additionally, DIY methods may not be as aesthetically pleasing or durable as professionally installed windows.

Additional Strategies for Reducing Noise Pollution at Home

In addition to noise reduction windows, there are several other strategies you can employ to further minimize noise pollution within your home:

  • Use sound absorbing materials, such as acoustic panels or curtains. You can use these materials strategically in areas prone to noise infiltration.
  • Furniture arrangement and the addition of rugs or carpets can also absorb sound and minimize its transmission.
  • Consider planting trees or installing outdoor barriers to create a natural sound barrier around your home.

Creating a Peaceful and Quiet Living Environment

Noise pollution can negatively impact our wellbeing and quality of life. But by investing in the right windows for noise reduction, we can create a peaceful and quiet living environment. If you’re looking for windows with sound reduction qualities, consider purchasing them from Golden Windows.


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7/12/2024 2:58:47 PM

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